Tuesday 19 January 2010

I do my mothers too


  1. There's a great African word 'Eisch'. It can be used to describe a beautiful woman as well as be an expression of extreme frustration and severe annoyance. If I walked in and was faced with this pic, I would certainly be saying EISCH!!

  2. Oh no she doesn't!! I didn't know that you had an ironing board and iron Ali - just watch that it doesn't leave rust marks on the shirts- it must be a long time since you used it!!!!

    I'll come over immediately and collect that heap!

  3. hahaha I'm glad you read all these posts and comment 'mum' so that we know the truth!!!

  4. Haha! Found out!

    If you love ironing I'm sure we could send some of ours round for you too!

  5. 1-800-DRY-CLEANERS
    I have our laundry done at $1.19 a piece. It's SO worth the cost! :D
